After struggling with health most of my life, I finally realized creating lifelong and impactful habits do not require motivation or willpower.
You can achieve immediate success, happiness, and confidence in your health journey with a few easy steps.
My mission is to empower you in cooking up your own personalized habit recipes that naturally blend into your lifestyle.
Let me show you how.
About Tony
Hi, my name is Tony Sherock, and I’m a certified Tiny Habits Coach, Health Behavior Specialist, and Personal Trainer.
For 40 years I struggled with erratic health behaviors, disruptive sleep, weight gain, negative self-talk, pre-diabetes, excess stress in a corporate job, and absolutely no consistency in sticking with any health game plan. It forced me to wake up and realize I was battling the same demons for over a decade spinning my wheels.
Thanks to becoming a Tiny Habits certified coach and a Health Behavior Specialist, I’ve changed for the better personally and professionally. The opportunity to help thousands of professionals and college students in sharing simple, science-backed tools to change habits and behavior patterns is truly a blessing. My goal is to help make health a habit in a very simplified, fun, and engaging manner

Tiny Habits approach for me is especially meaningful since utilizing these tools with my son who is on the Autism spectrum. I’m extremely grateful watching him grow from being non-verbal at 4 years of age to now driving a car, attending a college, and working.
When I’m not speaking you can find me testing my patience watching Cleveland sports teams, listening to Yacht Rock since that’s what cool 50-year old’s do, and traveling.
I look forward to connecting and being a part of your next event so we can make health a fun and uncomplicated journey.

Tony's Talk

Creating and sustaining lifelong health habits is exhausting when relying on motivation, willpower, and the constant message from society that you failed at your attempts yet again. This only causes more confusion, frustration, self-doubt, and lack of confidence in attempting to gain control over your health.
Repeat after me. “IT’S NOT MY FAULT!” It’s been a design flaw your whole life, not a personal flaw. The good news is there is a solution to this design flaw; combining what you WANT to do and what you CAN do results in what you’re most likely TO DO.
You can accomplish this through the MAP Method.
Learning the correct formula is the difference between success and failure.
By the end of your time with Tony you will:
1. Identify common barriers preventing change and how to overcome them.
2. Reflect on past failures as discoveries and gain awareness of limiting beliefs.
3. Discover the 3 variables needed to design habit change.
4. Create a Tiny Habit recipe you can implement today.
5. Understand how emotions create habits and feel successful with your daily actions.